What Is the Meaning of Each Finger for Rings?

Surely you know that a wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger – that’s why it’s called the ring finger. But did you know that in ancient times each finger could give an indication of the respective ring? And that they not only symbolized beauty and power as unique pieces of jewelry, but also influenced the fate of the person wearing them, and even had magical and healing powers?

To this day, you can make a certain statement by wearing a ring, depending on whether you wear it on your middle finger or on your index finger, for example. And who knows, maybe your ring will protect you from the evil thoughts of others or bring you good luck?

Which is the best finger for wearing rings?

In the world of Ancient Rome, every finger – except the thumb – was dedicated to one of the many gods. Through the Middle Ages and into our own time, some of these ideas have survived, even though we have long since stopped believing in Jupiter, Cupid, and Mars, of course.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not really a superstitious person. But from time to time there seems to be something about the old lore. Some days, when I wear my leaf jewelry, I feel particularly strong: I walk straight, look people in the eye and feel armed for new deeds. Is Jupiter perhaps standing by me after all when I wear my favorite ring on my right index finger?

Ring on the index finger

  • Symbolises affiliation
  • Shows club or lodge membership

The Romans associated the index finger with Jupiter, the father of the gods. He was the head of all the gods and guided the fortunes of the Roman people. In war he brought the enemies to a halt, he ruled over thunder and rain – and over the grape harvest.

If you wear a ring on your index finger, you strive for dominion and power over others, but also show yourself self-confident. Belonging to exclusive circles such as clubs or lodges is also often symbolized by rings worn on the index finger.

Ring on the middle finger

  • Conveys masculinity
  • Often striking and wide ring ornaments

The middle finger was once dedicated to the god Saturn. This god was the guardian of agriculture, i.e. the solid basis of life for all people of that time. In honor of Saturn, however, a festival was also celebrated, from which our carnival and our Christmas festival were later to develop: The Saturnalia.

On these festive days in December, people gave each other presents and staged a kind of topsy-turvy world in which the inferiors were allowed to sit at the table and were served by the rulers – fun, but also a form of recognition of the hard work that the servants did. Thus Saturn was seen in the Middle Ages as determining measure and order, but also fate and magic. A ring on the middle finger is in the balancing center of the hand and therefore stands for justice and the order of things.

Ring on the ring finger

  • Indicates marital status
  • Right hand: Engaged
  • Left hand: Married

The fourth finger was considered by the Romans to be the symbol of the god Apollo, the god of light and spring and the protector of art and music. On the ring finger, of course, one wears one’s wedding ring (right hand) or engagement ring (left hand), since marriage has always been associated with spring and a wedding feast with music and dance.

The ceremony of putting on each other’s rings is the wonderful highlight of every wedding. But people who are not married can also wear a ring on this finger: those who have dedicated their lives to art or music can also choose the ring finger.

In the USA, Italy, Switzerland and Portugal, wedding rings are classically worn on the left hand. But this is not the case in all countries. In Austria and Germany, the wedding ring is worn on the right hand.

Ring on the little finger

In ancient Rome, the little finger was regarded as a sign of the god Mercury, the patron god of trade. His image could be found on the back of coins, among other things, until the early modern period. Mercury was also the god of luck. A ring on the little finger can also be a friendship ring – this is especially popular with little girls today.

But there is also room for a personal message on the little finger: religious signs, references to the wearer’s closeness to nature through leaves or blossoms on the ring, or signs of the zodiac are often found on the rings of the little finger.

Ring on thumb meaning

  • Sign for power and prosperity
  • Sign for friendship
  • Well suited with the combination with other rings

Among the Romans, the thumb was the only finger that was not assigned its own god. From ancient Greece, however, we know that a ring on the thumb stood for power and masculinity.

Today, of course, every woman may also wear a ring on her thumb and be sure of a very special effect: rings on the thumb are rare. Therefore they stand for willpower, individuality, and self-confidence.

On which finger do you wear signet rings?

A signet ring usually has an engraving, initials, or a family coat of arms on the surface of the ring. These characters are usually only readable from one side, which is why the signet ring is placed on the finger in such a way that the person opposite can read it. After all, the ring bearer knows what is depicted on the signet ring. The signet ring is properly worn on the ring finger or little finger. The ring finger indicates marital status, while the little finger symbolizes power and prestige and serves as a statement. But of course, signet rings can also be worn on all other fingers.

There is still a lot interpreted into the hand and finger selection, but more and more it is unimportant. The signet ring or rings, in general, are nowadays first and foremost jewelry and accessories. There are a few basic rules but in the end, it’s all a matter of taste. As long as you feel comfortable, a signet ring will do what it is supposed to do, which is to leave a positive impression and complete your outfit.

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