How to determine ring size. Here are some ways to determine your ring size before buying a ring

How to determine the ring size?

Want to buy a ring online but don’t know your ring size? No problem, in this post we show you two easy ways to find out your ring size quickly and easily. Women’s rings generally start from a ring size of 48 to 56 for slender fingers and from 57 to 62 for slightly wider fingers. For men, ring sizes start from 58 to 63 for narrow fingers and 64 to 72 for wider fingers. But what do these sizes tell you? In Germany, rings are measured by their circumference in millimeters, such as a ring size of 56, which corresponds to an inner diameter of 17.8 mm. England or France, among others, have a different measurement to define ring sizes. All sizes and the corresponding country measurements can be easily read from our ring size chart. But now to the determination of your ring size and the first method to find it out:

Determining ring size without a ring

If you do not yet have a ring that fits you perfectly, you can simply take a strip of paper or thread to measure your ring size. Wrap the strip of paper or thread around the part of your finger where you want the ring to fit. Pull the thread or strip of paper tight but not too tight, as the ring will later fit over your knuckle, which is usually a little wider than the rest of your finger. So leave a little space so that the ring fits later and you don’t have to send it back.

When you have found the right tension, mark the spot on the paper strip or cut the thread exactly at this point. Now you can measure the length of the cut thread or the marked paper strip with a ruler or measuring tape and you have the circumference in mm, i.e. your ring size. To get the inner diameter or the French or English ring size, you can easily check our ring size chart.

Determining your ring size without a ring in a quick procedure

  1. Cut a strip of paper or use a piece of thread.
  2. Wrap the strip of paper or thread around the part of the finger where the ring is to sit later on
  3. Pull the strip of paper tight, but not too tight.
  4. Mark the spot on the strip of paper or cut the thread exactly at the spot.
  5. Measure the strip of paper or thread with a ruler
  6. Check the ring size chart for your ring size

Determine ring size with ring

If you already have a ring that fits you perfectly, finding your ring size is even easier. Take a ruler or caliper and measure the ends of the ring. Please be very precise, as every millimeter is important to find the perfect ring size. Therefore, we recommend the use of a vernier caliper, as it is much more accurate than a conventional linear or set square. Once you have read of the inside diameter, you can simply read off your required size in the ring size chart. Another method is to multiply the inner diameter of the ring by 3.14 to get your ring size. For example, if you have an inner diameter of 17.8 mm and multiply it by 3.14, the result is 55.892, which corresponds to a ring size of 56. You can also check all this in the ring size chart.

Determination of your ring size in a quick procedure with ring

  1. Take a well-fitting ring
  2. Measure the inside diameter of the ring with a ruler or caliper (be very accurate and precise)
  3. Check the ring size chart for the measured inner diameter and find out what the circumference of your ring is.

Things to know

The width of the fingers is usually different from the left to the right hand. Usually, the fingers on the right hand are a little wider than on the left, so use the methods for determining your ring size on the hand on which you want to wear the ring later. Furthermore, external influences also affect the width of your fingers. For example, fingers react to cold by becoming narrower. In warm temperatures, they become correspondingly wider. Please take this into account when determining the ring size. The higher the temperature, the wider the fingers.

Other influences can also change the circumference of the fingers, for example through certain sports or generally during the course of the day so that the fingers are usually thinner in the morning than in the evening. Therefore, we recommend that you measure your ring size shortly before buying a ring or that you test the circumference of your fingers over several days. This is the only way to achieve optimal wearing comfort. A ring fits optimally when it lies lightly on the finger and can be pulled off with a little resistance.

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