How to clean gold jewelry? We shoe you how to proper clean your gold rings and jewelry

How to clean gold jewelry?

If your gold jewelry looks a little dull, don’t worry. A thorough cleaning will make your jewelry look new again! You don’t even have to use expensive jewelry cleaners to make your gold jewelry sparkly and shiny again. Some simple household products you can find right at home can do the trick too.

When your gold jewellery contains pearls or certain types of gemstones, be careful when cleaning them as they require special care. Otherwise, we recommend that you have your jewellery cleaned at a professional shop once every five years. However, the following tips are perfect for regular cleaning at home.

How should gold jewelry be cleaned?

Most people think of polishing jewelry primarily in terms of silver and not gold. But gold can also become dull. Over time, gold loses its shine from products we wear, such as lotion and perfume, and from oils and sweat on our skin. Like silver, gold can also tarnish.

I never used to think about cleaning my gold pieces because I thought the dullness overtime was just the appearance of the jewelry. But it isn’t! Your gold jewelry should shine like it did on the first day. Your jewelry can shine like new again with a simple gold cleaning solution that you can make at home.

Cleaning with salt and baking soda solution

Simply mix salt, baking soda, and hot water together and soak your gold jewelry for 10 minutes. Aluminum foil, baking soda, salt, clean cloth, and hot water are the materials needed

  1. Cover a small bowl with aluminum foil.
  2. Add salt (one tablespoon).
  3. Add baking powder (One tablespoon).
  4. Heat water in the microwave for 2 minutes.
  5. Add the water to the bowl covered with aluminum foil with the salt and baking powder (1 cup hot water).
  6. Soak the gold jewelry for 10 minutes.
  7. Remove and rub off excess deposits/ tarnish with a soft cloth.
  8. Rinse in warm water.
  9. Dry with a soft cloth.

Hints: Do not forget to heat your water beforehand! Do not soak it for more than 10 minutes, especially if you have stones in the gold. Depending on the brand and how the stones are attached, the solution may loosen them when cleaning the jewelry.

Cleaning gold jewelry with dishwashing detergent

  1. Add a few drops of liquid dishwashing detergent to a bowl of lukewarm (not hot) water. Mix gently. Although regular tap water works well, you can use sodium-free seltzer water or club soda for even better results. The carbonic acid in these liquids can help loosen accumulated dirt and debris. Do not use hot or boiling water, especially if your jewelry contains fragile gemstones. Some gemstones, such as opals, can break if exposed to rapid and drastic changes in temperature. Also, do not use ice-cold water as the dirt will contract and become harder. This method can also be used to polish gold-filled jewelry.
  2. Soak the gold jewelry in the solution. Leave the jewelry in the water for about 15-30 minutes. During soaking, the warm soapy water will penetrate into the cracks and crevices and loosen hard-to-reach dirt deposits
  3. Gently scrub the jewelry with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Scrub each piece of jewelry individually, paying special attention to the nooks and crannies where dirt can hide. Use a very soft brush – the softer the better. Stiff bristles can scratch the surface of your jewelry. Especially with gold-plated jewelry (as opposed to solid gold), stiff bristles can even remove the gold layer completely! However, if a crevice cannot be cleaned, take a Q-tip and gently rub it along the crevice. Special brushes designed for this purpose are best, but most small, soft brushes (such as eyebrow brushes) will also work.
  4. Rinse each piece under warm running water. A good rinse will help remove any remaining dirt that has been loosened by the action of your brush. Again, make sure the water is not too hot, especially if your jewelry contains fragile stones. Also, do not let the water flow in a very powerful stream as it will exert a lot of force on the jewelry. If you rinse your jewelry in a sink, block or cover the drain so that you don’t accidentally lose your jewelry if it slips out of your hands. Alternatively, you can rinse your jewelry in a pasta strainer or a metal coffee filter.
  5. Pat it dry with a soft cloth. Then allow the gold jewelry to air dry completely on a towel before wearing it again. If your jewelry is still damp, moisture may adhere to the skin, causing mild skin irritation.

Use of boiling water

  1. Know when boiling is appropriate. Gold itself can be boiled out without any problems. However, boiling delicate gemstones (such as opals, pearls, corals, and moonstones) can cause them to break or be damaged – especially if the jewelry is cold before boiling. Boiling is also not a good idea for jewelry with glued-in gemstones, as the glue can come loose. However, if you want to clean heavily soiled jewelry made of gold or gold jewelry that contains “strong” gemstones (such as diamonds), boiling is a good choice.
  2. Bring water to a boil. You don’t need to bring a lot of water to the boil – just enough to submerge all the jewelry in. While you wait for the water to boil, place your gold jewelry in a sturdy bowl or another container that cannot be damaged by the boiling water. Pyrex or metal cooking bowls/bowls are good to use. Arrange the jewelry in the bowl so that no piece of jewelry covers another – the water should be able to reach each piece of jewelry.
  3. Pour the water carefully over your jewelry. Be very careful not to spill or splash by pouring too quickly – boiling water can cause severe burns. When all the jewelry is completely submerged, you have poured enough water.
  4. Wait until the water has cooled down. When you can comfortably hold your hands in the water, you can remove the gold jewelry. After boiling, scrub each piece of jewelry with a soft brush, then pat dry with a soft towel and let it air dry completely. Don’t be afraid of the water seems dirty – that’s a good thing! As boiling water loosens the dirt, wax, grime, etc. that has accumulated on your jewelry, it can float to the surface of the water. The dirtier your water looks, the more dirt you have removed from your jewelry!

Cleaning gold jewelry with glued-in gemstones

  1. Know which types of jewelry should be kept dry. Jewelry with gemstones glued into their settings (like many earrings) should not be immersed in water. Warm water can loosen the glue, which can cause your gemstones to fall out, especially if they are thoroughly brushed off. Use a special cleaning method for these types of gold jewelry that avoids total immersion in water.
  2. Wipe the jewelry with a damp, soapy cloth. Prepare a small amount of detergent solution as in method one. Dip a soft, delicate towel into the solution and gently scrub your jewelry.
  3. Rinse the jewelry with a cloth dampened with clean water. Gently dab the jewelry with the wet cloth, making sure to soak up any soap residue.
  4. After cleaning, lay or hang the pieces upside down. Allow your gold jewelry to dry in this way. By letting your jewelry dry upside down, you allow the residual moisture to drip off and prevent it from entering the setting.

Cleaning gold jewelry with ammonia

  1. Know when to clean with ammonia. Ammonia is a strong cleaner, but chemically it can be a bit corrosive. Avoid cleaning gold jewelry too often with ammonia to avoid wearing down your jewelry – ammonia is a good candidate for occasional (but not frequent) deep cleaning.
  2. Add one-part ammonia to six parts water. Stir gently to ensure an even mixture.
  3. Do not soak the jewelry in the mixture for more than one minute. Do not leave the gold jewelry in the ammonia mixture for too long – as a strong base, ammonia can be slightly corrosive.
  4. Rinse the jewelry thoroughly under running water. Close or cover the sink drain to prevent valuable gold jewelry from slipping out of your hand. Alternatively, simply use the strainer you used to get your jewelry out of the ammonia.
  5. Gently dry the jewelry with a soft polishing cloth. Let the gold jewelry air dry completely on a towel before wearing it.

Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for the stated cleaning possibilities of gold jewellery

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